6.2.1: Additional Answer Options:

2019 - November - Paper 2 - Question 6




(The stage in a chemical reaction when the) rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. checkcheck


(The stage in a chemical reaction when the) concentrations of reactants and products remain constant.checkcheck

light bulb Tips: 

  • Remember to state that the rates of the reactions are equal not that the reactions are equal.
  • Remember to state that the concentrations remain constant and not that the concentrations are equal. You also need to specify both reactants and products.

2 marks

(1 x 2 marks)


light bulb How to approach this question: 

  • Calculate the number of moles in the 60,8 g of pure carbon dioxide.

Option 1




  • One of the easiest ways to lay out your method is using a Kc table.
  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol) 1,22 2,44
Quantity at equilibrium (mol) 0,162 2,44
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3) 0,054 0,813
  • Since there is no carbon monoxide in the reaction vessel, the original number of moles is 0.




  • Only aqueous substances and gases are included in the Kc expression. Solids and pure liquids are left out of the expression since they do not technically have a concentration that changes.
  • To get marks for the Kc expression, you need to ensure that you use square brackets since these indicate concentration.

There are more ways to answer this question. To view other options, click here.

7 marks

(7 x 1 mark)

Marking criteria:

  • (1) Substitute:

44 g∙mol-1 check

  • (2) Equilibrium concentration of CO2 multiply by 3 dm3   and n(CO)equilibrium divide by 3 dm3 check
  • (3) Use mole ratio:  1:2/n(CO) = 2n(CO2) check
  • (4) n(CO2)change = n(CO2)initial - n(CO2)final n(CO)equilibrium = n(CO)initial+ ∆n(CO) check
  • (5) Correct Kc expression (formulae in square brackets) check 
  • (6) Substitution of concentrations into Kc expression check
  • (7) Final answer: 12,24 (range: 11,85 – 12,66) check




\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{C})_{\text{reacted }}=

\mathrm{n}\left(\mathrm{CO}_2\right)_{\text{reacted}}=1,22\mathrm{~mol} (1)check


=1,22(12) (2)check

=14,64\mathrm{~g} (3) check

light bulb Tips: 

  • As K does not include carbon, the only requirement is sufficient carbon available to react in the ratio with the other reactants.
  • Since 1,22 mol of CO2 reacted, according to the balanced equation C (s) + CO2 (g) ⇌ 2CO(g), there must be a minimum of 1,22 mol of carbon to react.
  • The mass of the carbon is calculated using the molar mass of carbon.

3 marks

(3 x 1 mark)

Marking criteria:

  • (1) Use mol ratio: n(C) = n(CO2) check
  • (2) Substitute: 12 g∙mol-1 check
  • (3) Final answer: 14,64 g check




Remains the same check

light bulb Tip: adding carbon does not disturb the equilibrium since it is a solid.

1 mark


Decreases check

  • (When pressure is increased) the reaction that leads to the smaller amount/number of moles/volume of gas is favoured. check
  • The reverse reaction is favoured./More CO2 is formed. check

light bulb Tips: 

  • Changing the volume of a closed container containing gases disrupts its equilibrium.
  • According to Le Chatelier's principle, the disturbance is an increase in pressure, therefore, the system will favour the reaction which decreases the pressure by producing fewer moles of gas.
  • The balanced equation for the reaction is C (s) + CO2 (g) ⇌ 2CO(g).
  • Since there is one mol of gaseous reactants and two moles of a gaseous product, the reverse reaction will be favoured as it produces fewer moles of gas and, therefore, will decrease the pressure.
  • Remember to use the word favoured since an increase in pressure will increase both the forward and reverse reaction. This is because the particles collide more frequently when packed closer together however, the reverse reaction rate will increase more, therefore, it is favoured.
  • A disturbance in an equilibrium favours a reaction, not a side. If you use the term 'side' instead of 'reaction', you are likely to lose the mark.

3 marks

(3 x 1 mark)


Endothermic check

  • When the temperature increases the mol/percentage CO(g)/product increases/forward reaction is favoured. check
  • An increase in temperature favours the endothermic reaction. check 

light bulb Tips: 

  • As the temperature increases, the percentage of CO2 decreases (from 6,23 to 0,06) and the percentage of CO increases (from 93,77% to 99,94%). This indicates that the forward reaction is favoured because CO2 is used and CO is made.
  • An increase in temperature increases the rate of both the endothermic and exothermic reactions since the particles will have more kinetic energy. However, the rate of the endothermic reaction will increase more, therefore, the endothermic reaction is favoured.
  • Since an increase in temperature favours the endothermic and the forward reaction, you can assume that the reactions are the same and, therefore, the forward reaction is endothermic.

3 marks

(3 x 1 mark)


light bulb How to approach this question:

  • This was a particularly tricky question designed to differentiate the very top students from the top students.
  • Try not to panic if you do not understand how to answer this question. It was difficult for a large number of teachers as well.

Option 1

Part 1:

  • Using the values for the equilibrium concentrations of both CO2 and CO calculated in the Kc table for question 6.2.1, the amount of CO at equilibrium is 0,162 mol and the amount of CO is 2,44 mol. Therefore, the total number of moles is 2,606 mol.

ntotal eq = 0,162 + 2,44  (1)check

= 2,606 moles

  •  Now calculate the percentage that CO2 and CO contribute towards the total number of moles in the container at equilibrium. You only need to calculate one of them to be able to determine the temperature.

Part 2:

\%\mathrm{CO}_2=\frac{0,162}{2,606}\times100 (2)check



\%\mathrm{CO}=\frac{2,44}{2,606}\times100 (2)check


Part 3:

\therefore\mathrm{T}=827^{\circ}\mathrm{C} (3)check

  • The percentage of CO2 is 6,23% and the percentage of CO is 93,63% at a temperature of 827°C.


Option 2

  • Using the concentrations at equilibrium.

Part 1:

c_{\text{total eq }}=0,054+0,813 (1)check


Part 2:

\%\mathrm{CO}_2=\frac{0,054}{0,867}\times100 (2)check



\%\mathrm{CO}=\frac{0,813}{0,867}\times100 (2)check



Part 3:

\therefore\mathrm{T}=827^{\circ}\mathrm{C} (3)check

3 marks

(3 x 1 mark)

Marking criteria:

  • (1) Calculate the total volume/mol of gas at equilibrium: 0,162 + 2,44 = 2,606 mol∙dm-3 or calculate the total concentration at equilibrium: 0,054 + 0,813 = 0,867 mol∙dm-3 check
  • (2) Calculate the percentage of any one gas (CO2 or CO) check
  • (3) Final answer: T = 827 °C check

Solving an equation using a Kc table

Many students struggle with the steps to solve an equation using a Kc table, take a look at this step-by-step explanation of this method:

Step 1

  • Calculate the number of moles of CO2




Step 2

  • Set out a table as shown below. Into the table put all of the information you already know, we leave off carbon because it is a solid:
  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)    
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)    
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054  

Step 3

  • Calculate the number of moles of CO2 at equilibrium.

[CO2] = \frac{n}{v} 

        n (CO2) = cV

        n (CO2) = (0,054)(3)

        n (CO2) = 0,162 moles

  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)    
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)  0,162  
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054  

Step 4

  • The number of moles of CO2 can be calculated by subtracting the number of moles at equilibrium from the initial number of moles.
  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)  -1,22  
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)  0,162  
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054  

Step 5

  • The mole ratio for the equation C (s) + CO2 (g) ⇌ 2 CO (g) gives us a mole ratio of 1:2.
  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)  -1,22  +2,44
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)  0,162  
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054  

Step 6

  • The number of moles of CO at equilibrium can be determined.

  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)  -1,22 +2,44
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)  0,162  2,44
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054  

Step 7

  • The concentration of carbon monoxide at equilibrium can be calculated by dividing the number of moles by the volume. 
  CO2 CO
Initial quantity (mol) 1,382 0
Change (mol)  -1,22 +2,44
Quantity at equilibrium (mol)  0,162  2,44
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3)  0,054 0,813 

Step 8 

  • Write down the correct Kc expression and substitute it in the values calculated above.




Marking criteria for option 3:

  • (1) Substitute 44 g∙mol-1.
  • (2) Initial n(CO2) divide by 3 dm3.
  • (3) Use ratio: c(CO2) : c(CO) = 1 : 2.
  • (4) ∆c(CO2) = c(CO2)initial - c(CO2)eq andc(CO)eq = c(CO)initial + ∆c(CO).
  • (5) Correct Kc expression (formulae in square brackets).
  • (6) Substitution of concentrations into Kc expression.
  • (7) Final answer: 12,15 (range: 11,85 – 12,66).


Option 2


=\frac{60,8}{44} (1)


\mathrm{n}\left(\mathrm{CO}_2\right)_{\text{change }}=\mathrm{n}\left(\mathrm{CO}_2\right)_{\text{initial }}-\mathrm{n}\left(\mathrm{CO}_2\right)_{\text{final}}

=1,382-0,162 (2)


\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{CO})_{\text{change }}=2\left(\mathrm{CO}_2\right)

=2(1,22) (3)


\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{CO})_{\mathrm{eq}}=\mathrm{n}(\mathrm{CO})_{\text{change }}=2,44\mathrm{~mol}


=\frac{2.44}{3} (4)


\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{c}}=\frac{\mathrm{[CO]}^2}{\left[\mathrm{CO}_2\right]} (5)

=\frac{(0,813)^2}{0,054} (6)

=12,24\text{ \lparen Accept range: 11,85-12,66\rparen. }(7)


Option 3


=\frac{60,8}{44} (1)


  CO2 CO
Initial concentration (mol∙dm-3) 0,4607 0
Change (mol∙dm-3) 0,4067 (2) 0,813
Equilibrium concentration (mol∙dm-3) 0,054 0,813

Divide by 3 dm3 and ratio. (3 + 4)

\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{c}}=\frac{[\mathrm{CO}]^2}{\left[\mathrm{CO}_2\right]} (5)

=\frac{(0,813)^2}{0,054} (6)

=12,15 (7)

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