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Protein Synthesis
What is protein synthesis?
The process by which proteins are made in each cell of an organism to form enzymes, hormones and new structures for cells.
What are the two main processes involved in protein synthesis?
Transcription and Translation
Where does transcription takes place?
In the nucleus.
Where does translation takes place?
In the cytoplasm on the ribosome.
Describe the process of transcription
  1. DNA unwinds and splits.


  2. One DNA strand acts as a template for forming mRNA.


  3. Free nucleotides arrange to form mRNA according to the DNA template. This process is called transcription.


  4. The mRNA leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores.
Describe the process of translation
  1. Each tRNA brings a specific amino acid to the mRNA. This is called translation.


  2. The amino acids are linked together to form a particular protein.




The nuclear membrane
Has nuclear pores through which mRNA moves.
Is single-stranded and indicated by the presence of uracil. It also contains a triplet of bases (codon) found in nucleus and cytoplasm.
Also known as transfer RNA – transports the amino acids contains a triplet of bases (anticodon); look for attached amino acid.
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Protein Synthesis
What is protein synthesis?
The process by which proteins are made in each cell of an organism to form enzymes, hormones and new structures for cells.
What are the two main processes involved in protein synthesis?
Transcription and Translation
Where does transcription takes place?
In the nucleus.
Where does translation takes place?
In the cytoplasm on the ribosome.
Describe the process of transcription
  1. DNA unwinds and splits.


  2. One DNA strand acts as a template for forming mRNA.


  3. Free nucleotides arrange to form mRNA according to the DNA template. This process is called transcription.


  4. The mRNA leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores.
Describe the process of translation
  1. Each tRNA brings a specific amino acid to the mRNA. This is called translation.


  2. The amino acids are linked together to form a particular protein.




The nuclear membrane
Has nuclear pores through which mRNA moves.
Is single-stranded and indicated by the presence of uracil. It also contains a triplet of bases (codon) found in nucleus and cytoplasm.
Also known as transfer RNA – transports the amino acids contains a triplet of bases (anticodon); look for attached amino acid.
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What is protein synthesis?
The process by which proteins are made in each cell of an organism to form enzymes, hormones and new structures for cells.
What are the two main processes involved in protein synthesis?
Transcription and Translation
Where does transcription takes place?
In the nucleus.
Where does translation takes place?
In the cytoplasm on the ribosome.
Describe the process of transcription
  1. DNA unwinds and splits.


  2. One DNA strand acts as a template for forming mRNA.


  3. Free nucleotides arrange to form mRNA according to the DNA template. This process is called transcription.


  4. The mRNA leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores.
Describe the process of translation
  1. Each tRNA brings a specific amino acid to the mRNA. This is called translation.


  2. The amino acids are linked together to form a particular protein.




The nuclear membrane
Has nuclear pores through which mRNA moves.
Is single-stranded and indicated by the presence of uracil. It also contains a triplet of bases (codon) found in nucleus and cytoplasm.
Also known as transfer RNA – transports the amino acids contains a triplet of bases (anticodon); look for attached amino acid.
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