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DNA & RNA | Key Definitions
Recessive allele
An allele that does not influence the phenotype when found in the heterozygous condition.
DNA profile
A bar code pattern formed from DNA.
DNA profiling
The analysis of DNA samples to identify individuals that may be related.
A nucleic acid (containing anticodons) that carries amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis.
Double helix
The natural shape of a DNA molecule.
DNA replication
The process by which a DNA molecule makes identical copies of itself.
A sudden change in the sequence/order of nitrogenous bases of a nucleic acid.
Nitrogenous base found only in RNA molecules.
The type of sugar found in a RNA molecule.
A sugar molecule found in a nucleotide of DNA.
Hydrogen bonds
The bonds between nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule.
Is made up of 1 deoxyribose, 1 phosphate group and one of 4 nitrogen bases (a,t,c,g).
An enzyme that "unzips" the dna molecule in preparation for replication.
DNA Polymerase
An enzyme that finds and places complimentary nucleotides in open areas of the original dna strand.
Template strand
A strand of DNA that has been cut in half and is now used to build a complete new strand.
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DNA & RNA | Key Definitions
Recessive allele
An allele that does not influence the phenotype when found in the heterozygous condition.
DNA profile
A bar code pattern formed from DNA.
DNA profiling
The analysis of DNA samples to identify individuals that may be related.
A nucleic acid (containing anticodons) that carries amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis.
Double helix
The natural shape of a DNA molecule.
DNA replication
The process by which a DNA molecule makes identical copies of itself.
A sudden change in the sequence/order of nitrogenous bases of a nucleic acid.
Nitrogenous base found only in RNA molecules.
The type of sugar found in a RNA molecule.
A sugar molecule found in a nucleotide of DNA.
Hydrogen bonds
The bonds between nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule.
Is made up of 1 deoxyribose, 1 phosphate group and one of 4 nitrogen bases (a,t,c,g).
An enzyme that "unzips" the dna molecule in preparation for replication.
DNA Polymerase
An enzyme that finds and places complimentary nucleotides in open areas of the original dna strand.
Template strand
A strand of DNA that has been cut in half and is now used to build a complete new strand.
Cut dotted horizontal lines. Fold vertical line.

Recessive allele
An allele that does not influence the phenotype when found in the heterozygous condition.
DNA profile
A bar code pattern formed from DNA.
DNA profiling
The analysis of DNA samples to identify individuals that may be related.
A nucleic acid (containing anticodons) that carries amino acids to the ribosome for protein synthesis.
Double helix
The natural shape of a DNA molecule.
DNA replication
The process by which a DNA molecule makes identical copies of itself.
A sudden change in the sequence/order of nitrogenous bases of a nucleic acid.
Nitrogenous base found only in RNA molecules.
The type of sugar found in a RNA molecule.
A sugar molecule found in a nucleotide of DNA.
Hydrogen bonds
The bonds between nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule.
Is made up of 1 deoxyribose, 1 phosphate group and one of 4 nitrogen bases (a,t,c,g).
An enzyme that "unzips" the dna molecule in preparation for replication.
DNA Polymerase
An enzyme that finds and places complimentary nucleotides in open areas of the original dna strand.
Template strand
A strand of DNA that has been cut in half and is now used to build a complete new strand.
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