We make studying for Matric easier
Built by some of the best teachers in South Africa Studyclix will help your child do better in their exams. Start for free and upgrade anytime.
Structured study
We help your child learn in a more organised way by breaking down each subject into bite-sized topics.
Gamified learning
Thousands of curriculum-aligned quiz questions to keep students engaged as they test themselves.
Exam revision materials
From flashcards to videos, we've curated content to suit a broad range of learning styles, helping your child study in whatever way works best for them.
All examinable topics for your subjects are covered
Subjects currently available*:
Mathematics - Life Sciences - Business Studies - Economics - Geography - Physical Sciences - History - Mathematical Literacy
*with more to follow
Expert Support
We've built an amazing support team, available to answer your questions about the site & study 7 days a week.
Study Advice
Learning how to learn is a vital part of succeeding at exams. We support students with study advice backed by cognitive science.
Engaging Content
Working with the best teachers and students we have built notes, flashcards and quizzes that will keep all learners engaged.
Paying R495 upgrades you to a Studyclix Plus account until the end of the school year, which gives you full access to all the state exams on Studyclix, including access to questions by topic, memos, exam builder and more as well as being able to print all state exam questions (with memos) on any one topic.
Yes, we think so! R495 is lower than the rate charged by most tutors for a month, and our subscription lasts for a year. Using Studyclix is one of the best ways you can prepare yourself for your exams. Studying using past exam questions has been shown to be the most effective way to prepare. Studyclix saves you time by giving you everything you need to study a subject, one topic at a time. 97% of students who used Studyclix Plus stated that they felt it had helped them improve their grades.
Studyclix is set up in a way that requires students to select their subjects and complete in-house quizzes, which track their performance and indicate their weak areas. However, when siblings use the same account and have the same subjects, they are unable to adequately track their understanding of topics and quiz performance. This is because the results reflect a mixture of both their understandings, leaving both of them unaware of their true strengths and areas they need to focus on.
If there is more than one student in your family requiring Plus access, we understand that this can become expensive, so if you contact us (hello@studyclix.co.za), we can assess your situation and do our best to provide you with a discount code to get a reduced rate on your multiple upgrades.