Study Advice

How to Study During Load Shedding

By Brandon Ntuli - 3 minute read

Load shedding can be a frustrating obstacle for students striving to excel academically. When the lights go out and the world dims, your study routine may take a hit. But don't let load shedding dim your academic ambitions! In this article, we'll explore the best ways to study during load shedding, enabling you to maintain productivity and achieve your educational goals.

Prioritise Planning

During load shedding, effective planning is crucial. Be aware of the load shedding schedule and allocate your study hours accordingly. Create a daily study timetable that accommodates both power-on and power-off periods. Divide your subjects into manageable study sessions and ensure you allocate time for breaks to maintain focus and prevent burnout. You can find your area's load shedding on the Eskom Se Push app.

Optimise Natural Light

When the lights go out, natural light becomes your greatest ally. Set up your study space near a window to maximise natural daylight. Position your desk in a way that minimises glare and shadows on your study materials. Natural light not only reduces eye strain but also boosts concentration and enhances productivity.

Utilise Battery-Powered Devices

Equip yourself with battery-powered study tools to ensure you can continue learning even during power outages. Laptops, tablets, and e-readers can be lifesavers during load shedding. Keep these devices charged during power-on hours, and switch to battery mode when the lights go out to continue studying seamlessly.

Leverage Offline Study Materials

Load shedding can make online research and study materials inaccessible. To overcome this hurdle, compile offline study resources in advance. Download relevant articles, e-books, and class notes during power-on hours. Having offline study materials at your disposal will enable you to make the most of your study sessions regardless of power availability.

Adopt Active Learning Techniques

Load shedding emphasises the importance of active learning techniques. Engage with the material actively through methods such as summarising content, teaching concepts to an imaginary audience or participating in study groups over the phone or in person. Active learning reinforces understanding and retention, even in the absence of electronic resources.

Embrace Analogue Tools

Embrace the charm of analogue tools and traditional study methods when technology fails. Utilise handwritten notes, flashcards, and physical textbooks to enhance memory retention and take a valuable break from screens. You can do this by utilising Studyclix's print feature, which allows you to print past papers and memos per topic, seamlessly accessing a wealth of exam resources even during technical disruptions. This ensures an effective study experience.

Create a Study Survival Kit

Prepare a study survival kit containing essential items like a flashlight, stationery, batteries, and a power bank. Having all the necessary tools within reach will save time and allow you to make the most of your study hours.

Utilise Load Shedding Breaks Wisely

Load shedding breaks don't have to be wasted time. Use them strategically for activities that don't require electricity such as planning, organising, or doing light reading. Breaks can be rejuvenating and allow your brain to process information more effectively.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Lastly, maintain a positive mindset throughout the load shedding challenges. Accept that load shedding is beyond your control and focus on adapting and overcoming obstacles. By embracing the situation, you'll develop resilience and learn to thrive despite adverse conditions.


Load shedding may be a temporary setback but with the right approach, it doesn't have to hinder your academic progress. Prioritise planning, leverage available resources, and adopt effective study techniques to make the most out of your study sessions during load shedding. Remember, with determination, resilience, and a positive attitude, you can conquer the study storm and achieve your academic goals. Happy studying!